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Honeydew cake in 30 minutes. A timeless classic without rolling out the crusts and whipping

Medovik is part of the domestic culinary culture. It was invented in ancient times to decorate the table of emperors and empresses.

For a long time in the Empire, Medovik was one of the favorites of the wives of representatives of the highest ranks in the government. However, even in the modern world, this cake does not lose its relevance.

Recently, the confectionery world community named Medovik – the best cake presented in different nations. The second place is occupied by the Polish dessert, and the third place is occupied by the Brazilian cake.

Delicious banana honey cake can be prepared at home, and spending only half an hour of free time.

Ingredients for banana honey cake:

  • butter – 300 g;
  • “Jubilee” cookies – 150 g;
  • sugar – 180 g;
  • banana – 3 pcs;
  • salt – a pinch;
  • thickener – 32 g;
  • honey – 5 tbsp;
  • vanilla extract – 2 drops;
  • baking soda – 2 tsp;
  • powdered sugar – 200 g;
  • eggs – 4 pcs;
  • sour cream 20% – 1.5 liters;
  • flour – 400 g.

Preparation of banana honeydew:

Mix in a saucepan butter, granulated sugar, salt and honey. On medium heat, melt the sugar, turn the products into a homogeneous mass.

Pour baking soda into the mixture, wait until the reaction ends, mix the components. Remove the resulting mass from the fire, let cool for about 5 minutes.

To the honey mixture, break the eggs, mix the ingredients. Sift flour into the honey mixture, knead the dough with a spatula in a couple of steps. Divide the dough into two equal parts, one of which is moved to a

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tray covered with parchment.

Part of the dough is evenly distributed on the surface of the tray, bake for 7 minutes at 180 degrees Celsius


Similarly prepare the second cake.

Trim all the uneven parts of the cake, divide into two halves each. Grate the peeled banana on a coarse grater. Mix in a separate container sour cream with vanilla extract and powdered sugar.

To the sour cream add thickener, re-mix the mass. ¼ of the cream smear the first cake, lay on the surface of the cream layer part of the chopped bananas.

Thus, alternating the cakes and layers, assemble the cake


Smear the resulting construction on all sides with the rest of the cream.

Торт "Медовик" за 30 минут. Неизменная классика без раскатки коржей и взбиваний

Crush the cookies to the state of crumbs, sprinkle the sides and top of the cake.

Торт "Медовик" за 30 минут. Неизменная классика без раскатки коржей и взбиваний

Honey cake should be put in the refrigerator for 2 hours at least.

Торт "Медовик" за 30 минут. Неизменная классика без раскатки коржей и взбиваний

This way the cream can soak all the crusts, the cake will become soft and tender.

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