The history of dishes is very interesting, as it can reveal the secrets of many recipes. For example, based on historical data, you can understand the purpose of dough or salads.
Soups were also very important for European and Asian peoples. In summer, soups cooled and fed, and in winter they allowed to warm up quickly and not get sick.
If we know a lot about the chowder of our traditional cuisine, we know little about the soups of other peoples. However, there are many interesting simple soup recipes. It is worth learning how to cook Uzbek Shurpa. This is a hearty dressing soup, which is popular in the East.
Ingredients for Uzbek shurpa:
- lamb – 1200 g;
- raykhon – a bundle;
- chickpeas – 150 g;
- potatoes – 7 pcs;
- water – 2500 ml;
- carrots – 3 pcs;
- onions – 2 pcs;
- sweet pepper – ½ pcs;
- tomato – 2 pcs.
Preparation of Uzbek shurpa:
Chickpeas should be soaked beforehand, and meat should be processed from the skin and film. Send lamb and chickpeas into a pot, pour water and bring to a boil under a lid. Do not forget to remove the foam from the surface of the water in the process of cooking.
Then you need to cook the meat and chickpeas for about half an hour under a lid. In one onion make deep cuts, send together with peeled carrots into the broth. Continue to cook lamb with vegetables on low heat for an hour and 15 minutes.
At this time you need to finely chop bell pepper, onion and tomato. Take out the onion from the broth, send to the meat in the broth peeled potatoes.
15-20 minutes before the potatoes are ready in the soup, put in the chowder chopped onion, pepper and tomato. Finely chop raykhon and other greens as desired.
Add raykhon to the soup, salt to taste. Continue to cook the shurpa for another 20 minutes without a lid on low heat.
Before serving, you can cut the vegetables smaller so that they fit in the plate. Uzbek shurpa should have a clear broth, be rich and flavorful.