For most people in our country, potatoes are closely associated with Belarus. This country is the main exporter of this vegetable all over the world. What is the secret of such a serious success of Belarusian potatoes?
There is an assumption that it was this part of the globe that first began to grow potatoes on a production scale. Initially, the root vegetable appeared in America. From there, the exotic vegetable was brought by Columbus. The potato was not immediately popular, mainly because of its poisonous flowers.
However, when the root vegetable was studied more thoroughly, it began to be grown and used everywhere.
One of the key dishes with potatoes is mashed potatoes
A great side dish for almost any meat.
Ingredients for mashed potatoes:
- potatoes – 10 pcs;
- butter – 100 g;
- garlic – 3 cloves;
- milk – 100 ml.
Preparation of mashed potatoes:
Potatoes need to be peeled and boiled until soft, and then turn into mashed potatoes. In a frying pan over medium heat, melt butter; on the surface skip garlic cloves through the press. Garlic
should be fried for a couple of minutes to get rid of the unpleasant tart taste. Pour milk into the fried garlic, bring the mixture to a boil in the pan
. Pour the milk with garlic into the mashed potatoes, thoroughly mix the liquid with the potatoes.
You get a delicious potato garnish for any delicacy.
Garlic and butter give the vegetable new flavor notes.