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How to make crispy pineapple. The same, delicious dessert from childhood

Crispy pineapple is the kind of dessert that can bring you back to your childhood. As a rule, pineapple was prepared in the southern regions of the country and sold on the seashore. I remember the callers who constantly walked along the shoreline and advertised pineapple. This type of pastry always smelled of burnt sugar and baked goods. Together with the sea air, this cacophony of flavors made a beautiful duet.

It turns out that crispy pineapple was invented not in the southern corners of our country. The history of this dessert begins in the XVIII century.

If sources are to be believed, pineapple was prepared from the remnants of puff pastry in order not to get rid of the pieces.

Be that as it may, pineapple has played a certain role in our associations and memories. Let us prepare delicious crispy pineapple at home.

Ingredients for crispy pineapple:

  • egg – pcs;
  • flour – 160 g;
  • water – tbsp;
  • salt – a pinch;
  • vodka – tbsp.

Preparation of crispy pineapple:

In a bowl combine egg, salt, water and vodka, whisk the ingredients until homogeneous. Sift flour into the egg liquid, knead a smooth and elastic dough.

Cover the formed kolobok with foil, put it in the heat for 60 minutes. Divide the dough into two parts, roll both into thin sheets. Cut the thin flat cakes into small rhombuses, make a small cut in the middle of each one.

Slip one stretched edge of the rhombus through the prepared hole. Similarly create a pineapple from all the rhombuses.

Как приготовить хрустящий хворост. Тот самый, вкусный десерт из детства

Heat oil in a frying pan for 10 minutes. Vegetable fat should cover the entire

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pan, occupying about 1.5 cm of the entire pancake kitchen utensils.

Dip the pineapple into the oil, fry until golden on both sides.

Как приготовить хрустящий хворост. Тот самый, вкусный десерт из детства

Do not forget to sprinkle hot pineapple with sugar, powdered sugar, caramel.

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