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How to make delicious pancakes quickly and without a grater. Here’s a trick: I’m sharing

Draniki is a national dish of Belarusian cuisine. Presumably, it came to Belarus from Poland, as the recipes of Polish potato flatbreads are similar to classic draaniki.

Now this dish has gone far beyond the countries of its creators


Potato flatbreads are used to prepare a multitude of dishes. Even in modern fast food, draaniki are often used.

Initially, they were used as an addition to soups and second courses.

In the XX century, draaniki became an independent dish. They are prepared for breakfast and snack. We want to tell one of the easy recipes for cooking draaniki.

Ingredients for draaniki:

  • Potatoes – 1 kg;
  • Onions – 1 pc;
  • Eggs – 2 pcs;
  • Flour – 2 tbsp;
  • Salt – a pinch.

Preparation of draniki:

Potatoes should be peeled, cut into large slices and put into the bowl of a blender. Similarly, you need to cut the onion and also put to the potatoes in the blender.

Vegetables are crushed to a state of mush, where then break the eggs, pour salt. Sift flour into the porridge and continue to whisk until homogeneous.

Как приготовить вкусные драники быстро и без тёрки. Есть одна хитрость: делюсь

In a frying pan in hot vegetable oil you need to fry the portions of draaniki on both sides to a golden crust.

Как приготовить вкусные драники быстро и без тёрки. Есть одна хитрость: делюсь

You get soft puffy draaniki, which are kneaded literally in 7 minutes. There is no need to grate vegetables, which greatly simplifies the cooking process.