Humankind learned about bread 15,000 years ago. Since then, it has been a long way of familiarizing people with different types of baked goods. In ancient times, people used to eat grains of wild cereals, but they ate them raw. In the Stone Age, people did not realize that grains could be ground, mixed and baked.
Primitive people eventually learned to separate the grains from the ear, which was the first step to making bread.
In the modern world, the baking industry has become so broad that it is present everywhere. There are bakeries and bread stores at every turn. But, it is still worthwhile to know how to prepare puffy baked goods yourself.
Ingredients for buns with jam:
- Flour – 1 kg;
- Water – 600 g;
- Dry yeast – 12 g;
- Salt – 10 g;
- Sugar – 50 g;
- Protein – 1 pc;
- Butter – 50 g;
- Vegetable oil – 50 g;
- Vinegar 9% – 5 g;
- Leavening agent;
- Vanillin – 1 g;
- Jam 240 – g.
Preparation of buns with jam:
In a bowl with slightly warm water pour yeast, a teaspoon of sugar and 50 grams of flour, stir and wait for the appearance of a characteristic yeast foam. Combine the leavening agent in the flour.
Pour vanillin, salt and sugar, as well as the protein into the opara and stir. Pour the flour onto the table, pour the opara into the depression and knead the dough. Pour
the vegetable oil into the prepared dough, pour the butter into the depression and continue kneading
Knead the dough until it is no longer sticky.
Then put the dough in a container under the foil and leave it warm for an hour. Then divide the dough into lumps of about 75 grams each.
It should turn out 24 pieces.
Cover the koloboks with cling film. Create a thick flatbread out of each lump, where we put 10 grams of jam.
Seal the jam inside the scones and place them seam-side down on a baking tray
. Cover the tray
advance with parchment
Leave the buns to proof for 20-30 minutes and then brush with a mixture of egg yolk and 30 ml of water.
After another 2 minutes send the buns to the oven at 200 degrees for 10 minutes.
You get puffy and soft buns with jam.
For the filling you can use any jam you like.