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I always prepare “Jewish-style” chicken for guests. The chicken turns out tender and juicy: the secret is in the soda

Not many people have time for long cooking recipes. Often after work or other complicated affairs it is necessary to prepare something simple, quick and nutritious.

At first glance it seems that the task with cooking is quite solvable


But, it is not always possible among all the dishes to choose a single hearty and instantaneous in preparation.

Among all kinds of dinners, people often choose to cook chicken meat in a frying pan. To make chicken turn out tastier and juicier, you should use one simple ingredient.

Ingredients for Jewish-style chicken:

  • chicken – kg;
  • onions – 500 g;
  • baking soda – ½ tsp;
  • salt – ½ tsp.

Preparation of Jewish chicken:

Processed shanks, thighs and other parts of the chicken sprinkle with salt, use your favorite spices for meat. Thoroughly rub the salt and spices into the fibers of the chicken meat.

Cover the meat with food film, while finely chop the onions.

К приходу гостей всегда готовлю курицу "По-Еврейски". Курочка получается нежная и сочная: весь секрет в соде

In a small amount of vegetable oil in a frying pan fry the onions until slightly golden, 5 minutes.

Pour into the onion mass of baking soda, stir. Cover the onions with a lid and stew over low heat for 10 minutes.

К приходу гостей всегда готовлю курицу "По-Еврейски". Курочка получается нежная и сочная: весь секрет в соде

Add your favorite spices to the onions, put the chicken meat in the pan. Cover the meat with a lid, stew together with onions for 20 minutes on moderate heat

. After 20 minutes turn the meat pieces to the second side, similarly cook for 20 minutes.

К приходу гостей всегда готовлю курицу "По-Еврейски". Курочка получается нежная и сочная: весь секрет в соде

In addition to delicious and juicy chicken is obtained gravy from onion juice. This dish goes well with mashed potatoes or boiled rice.

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К приходу гостей всегда готовлю курицу "По-Еврейски". Курочка получается нежная и сочная: весь секрет в соде

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