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I cook a lot of them and put them in the freezer. Hearty meatless cutlets: enough for a week, just change side dishes

There is quite a lot of astounding information about cutlets. The fact is that this dish is popular literally in every corner of the world. Cutlets are cooked in Asia, Europe, America and even Africa. Each nation and nationality has its own secrets of cooking a tasty meat product.

For example, in China and Japan more prefer to use the meat of sea creatures for cooking cutlets. There are ways of cooking cutlets from crab and squid, as well as cabbage and seaweed.

Europeans are less exotic in this matter, so they mainly prepare cutlets as meat on the bone.

Recently, algorithms for cooking vegetable cutlets for vegetarians have been discovered


We will tell about the recipe for potato delicious cutlets.

Ingredients for potato cutlets:

  • potatoes – 3 pcs;
  • onion – 2 pieces;
  • carrots – pcs;
  • garlic – 2 cloves;
  • cheese – 100 g;
  • egg – pcs;
  • green onion – bundle;
  • flour – 2 tbsp.

Preparation of potato cutlets:

Peel potatoes from the skin, cut into large slices and send to boil until ready. In this time interval cut peeled onions into half-rings, fry in a frying pan with vegetable oil.

While the onion reaches a golden color, thinly straw cut carrots


Put the straw to the onions and cook until the carrots are soft. Press a couple of garlic cloves into the mixture, fry the vegetables for an additional 2 minutes. Mash

the cooked potatoes


Integrate into the mashed potatoes fried vegetables, coarsely grated cheese. Break an egg into the mixture, add finely chopped onion. Stir all the ingredients together until homogeneous

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. Do not forget to salt the mixture to taste, sift flour into the mashed potatoes.

Готовлю много и ставлю в морозильник. Сытные котлеты без мяса: хватает на неделю, только гарниры меняй

From the kneaded dough form large cutlets – 6 pieces. On vegetable oil in a heated frying pan fry the cutlets on both sides until golden color.

Готовлю много и ставлю в морозильник. Сытные котлеты без мяса: хватает на неделю, только гарниры меняй

Potato cutlets can become much tastier than meat cutlets, if you know the right recipe.

Готовлю много и ставлю в морозильник. Сытные котлеты без мяса: хватает на неделю, только гарниры меняй

This is a budget-friendly way to make a delicious dinner for the whole family.

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