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I cook miltai only according to this recipe. The gravy is dipped in bread first: an inexpensive and tasty dish

Mint in onion sauce is a simple yet exquisite dish that is perfect for both everyday dinners and more festive occasions. Mint, known for its high protein content, lightness and delicate flavor, pairs perfectly with the flavorful onion sauce that gives the fish a special depth and richness.

This is a healthy and nutritious dinner option, and can be easily prepared by any cook. Due to the use of available ingredients and the speed of the process, this dish is especially in demand.

Let’s tell you how to cook fried pollock in onion sauce


  • Pollock – 1,100 g;
  • Onion – 1 pc;
  • Salt – 2 tsp;
  • Flour – 3 tbsp;
  • Fish seasoning – 1 tsp;
  • Unrefined oil – 5 tbsp.

Cooking pollock in onion sauce:

Clean the fish from the insides, remove the tail, head, gills, rinse. Be sure to remove the black film from the fish.

Cut the fish into small pieces. Pour into a deep bowl flour, seasoning for fish, add a spoonful of salt.

In a frying pan, heat vegetable oil and lightly fry the fish pieces on each side. Cut onions into half rings and put them on the fish, pour 120 ml of water.

Salt the fish, sprinkle with a little flour, leave to stew under a lid for 20 minutes.

Минтай готовлю только по этому рецепту. Подливу вымакивают хлебом в первую очередь: недорогое и вкусное блюдо

Thus it turns out to simply cook pollock in onion sauce. This recipe is suitable for a quick dinner, when there is no strength to cook something long.