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I cook when I want to surprise my guests. Unusual crab stick pie: I learned this trick in a restaurant

Crab sticks now cause a lot of controversy among cooks. The fact is that it is still not clear whether crab sticks are harmful or useful. On the one hand, the sticks have dyes and thickeners, and on the other hand there is a lot of fish oil and meat. The

answer lies in the sticks themselves, namely in their composition. Before buying, you should be sure to look at what components in the sticks are in the first place. If it is fish meat and fat, then the sticks are of high quality. Any other components in the first place in the composition should cause alarm, since the sticks clearly have a large number of impurities

.Let’s prepare a crab cake


Ingredients for crab cake:

  • crab sticks – 200 g;
  • eggs – 3 pcs;
  • salt – a pinch;
  • ground black pepper – a pinch;
  • tomato – 2 pcs;
  • cheese – 100 g.

Preparation of crab cake:

Chop crab sticks into thin small bars, you can do it with a fork.

Готовлю, когда хочу удивить гостей. Необычный пирог из крабовых палочек: узнала этот трюк в ресторане

Mix the sticks with eggs, salt and black pepper.

Готовлю, когда хочу удивить гостей. Необычный пирог из крабовых палочек: узнала этот трюк в ресторане

Spread the mixture on the pan, leveling it out. Fry the flatbread on both sides until browned.

Готовлю, когда хочу удивить гостей. Необычный пирог из крабовых палочек: узнала этот трюк в ресторане

Slice tomatoes in halves into plates. Grate cheese on a coarse grater. Place the tomato halves on the flatbread and the cheese on top of them.

Готовлю, когда хочу удивить гостей. Необычный пирог из крабовых палочек: узнала этот трюк в ресторане

Cover the flatbread with a lid and cook on low heat for 10 minutes.

Готовлю, когда хочу удивить гостей. Необычный пирог из крабовых палочек: узнала этот трюк в ресторане

You get an unusual crab stick pie.

Готовлю, когда хочу удивить гостей. Необычный пирог из крабовых палочек: узнала этот трюк в ресторане

A breakfast option for every day.