Few people think about how to prepare salads correctly. Many people think that certain strict rules in cooking do not exist. But, this judgment is wrong. Even a salad can turn out unpalatable, if you do not adhere to simple recommendations.
For example, vegetables for salad should be cooked in the skin. So the vegetables retain more flavor. In addition, vegetables do not lose useful substances in such cooking.
Also, salads can not be cut differently. That is, all components should be in the same cut. Otherwise, one component will interrupt the flavor of the others.
Let’s prepare a simple quick salad for every day.
Ingredients for the salad:
- Pickles pickled or pickled -2 pcs;
- Canned beans – 240 g;
- Eggs – 2 pcs;
- Dill – a few sprigs.
Ingredients for dressing:
- Sour cream – 4 tbsp;
- Lemon juice – 1 tbsp;
- Garlic – 1 clove;
- Salt – a pinch.
Preparation of the salad:
Cut pickled cucumbers into small cubes. Boil eggs in advance, cool, peel and cut as well as cucumbers into small cubes, mix in a salad bowl.
Pour to the cucumbers and eggs beans
, as
well as chopped dill
For dressing, mix lemon juice and salt in sour cream.
Pass a clove of garlic into the dressing. Stir.
It is recommended to dress the salad before serving. You get a simple, slightly spicy salad.