Okroshka is one of the most popular summer dishes. This is a very old soup, which has been used since the X century by Eastern and Western Slavs. Okroshka got its name because of the vegetables, which are usually cut as finely as possible.
Each nation prepared okroshka according to its own recipe. Many tribes added very strange components to the soup. For example, apples or sorrel.
Now the okroshka has remained in several familiar variations, not very different from each other. Let’s talk about how to cook a delicious okroshka on water.
Ingredients for the okroshka:
- potatoes – 2 pcs;
- cucumber – 2 pcs;
- onion – ¼ pc;
- boiled sausage – 300 g;
- boiled eggs – 4 pcs;
- mayonnaise – tbsp;
- water – 1500 ml;
- vinegar – ½ tbsp;
- salt – a pinch.
Preparation of okroshka:
Potatoes should be boiled until ready, in a jacket. While the potatoes are boiling, you can cut small cubes of cucumbers, sausage and a quarter of the onion.
Potatoes peeled from the skin and cut similarly into small cubes
Mix the ingredients in one bowl, dress the okroshka with mayonnaise, salt.
Pour water and vinegar into the okroshka, mix thoroughly.
It remains only to remove the okroshka in the refrigerator for a couple of hours to cool the dish. You can also shred green onions: dill and parsley.