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I don’t add bread to the cutlets anymore. I have another recipe: it’s much juicier and tastier that way

Cutlets appeared in French cuisine around the 18th century. They were prepared from a whole piece of meat, namely ribs. In our country, this method of preparing this dish did not take root. For this reason, the meat began to be chopped into small pieces and mixed with spices

. After the invention of the meat grinder, cutlets were transformed.

This invention was especially favored by cooks in Soviet canteens


as it was possible to


bread, potatoes and onions through a meat grinder in addition to meat. These components were added to the meat to make more cutlets.

However, recipes with bread were relevant in the period of shortages


Now we recommend cooking cutlets without bread to keep the juiciness of the dish.

Bread is able to give the stuffing mass, so you can make more cutlets. But these cutlets will turn out with some sourness, which spoils the whole impression of the dish.

To preserve the juiciness and softness of the cutlets, bread should be replaced by a small potato. Rub the peeled vegetable on small grater cutters and mix with minced meat.

If there are no potatoes at home, then you can add to the cutlets a little semolina or oat flakes


So the cutlets will turn out puffier, while not acquiring a detached from the characteristic dish flavor.

Хлеб в котлеты больше не добавляю. У меня есть другой рецепт: так намного сочнее и вкуснее

Onions can be added to the cutlets both fried and raw. It does not add new flavor notes.