Eggplant is an astounding vegetable. It began to be cultivated 1500 years ago in India and China. At that time, this vegetable was considered medicinal, it was used as a medicine. It is not known exactly when people began to use eggplant in food,
but the vegetable was treated with honor. It grew literally everywhere, withstood low and high temperatures. Probably, this factor was especially liked by peasants who tried with all their might to find sustenance on their land.
Now eggplants are no less relevant. Let’s tell you how to cook pickled eggplants.
Ingredients for pickled eggplants:
- Eggplants – 2 pcs;
- Garlic – 5 cloves;
- Dill – a bundle;
- Coriander – 1 tsp;
- Salt – 1 tsp;
- Sugar – 1 tbsp;
- Vegetable oil – 3 tbsp;
- Vinegar 6% – 3 tbsp.
Preparation of pickled eggplants:
Remove the stalks from the eggplants, cut into large cubes.
Put the eggplant cubes in boiling water, press with a skimmer. Cook eggplants for 3-4 minutes and then remove from the pot.
Chop garlic cloves finely, crush them with a knife beforehand.
Put the dill and garlic to the eggplants, sprinkle with coriander, salt and sugar.
Pour vegetable oil and vinegar to the eggplants, mix the components thoroughly
Cover the eggplant slices with a plate, send to cool in the refrigerator for at least 20 minutes.
It turns out unusual pickled eggplants. They do not require frying, while having an interesting sour-sweet flavor.