A great benefit for the body is able to bring chicken liver. But, as practice shows, not all people have a positive attitude to this subproduct. Many people consider liver unpalatable and disgusting. Children in most cases refuse to eat dishes from liver. How can you overcome the stereotype about this subproduct?
It is enough to learn how to cook liver correctly. This product does not like it when it is fried for a long time and added to it a large number of spices. Instead of thorough frying, it is worth using other methods of cooking. Let’s tell you in detail how to make a tender chicken liver.
Ingredients for braised liver:
- Chicken liver – 600 g;
- Onion – 1 pc;
- Carrots – 1 pc;
- Butter – 50 g;
- Salt – ½ tsp;
- Laurel leaf – 1 pc.
Preparation of stewed liver:
Dice the onions and carrots into small cubes. In a frying pan melt butter, bring vegetables to softness for 10 minutes.
Cut liver into small pieces. Put the liver to the vegetables, add a bay leaf and stew for 10 minutes under a lid
. Do not forget to salt the liver.
After cooking, you can put another piece of butter to the liver.
This way the flavor of the dish will become creamier and more tender.