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I don’t make cheesecakes anymore. I found a cooler and tastier recipe: I cook 7 times a week

It’s hard to imagine that mankind once lived without a variety of baked goods. For example, in the distant past there were no muffins, muffins and cupcakes. It would seem that these buns are the same, but have different names. In fact, all three types of


goods are different. A muffin

is a product of baked sweet dough. Prepare muffins more often with candied fruits and raisins.

Muffins are just a similarity of muffins, a simplified version. Capcake is the sweetest representative of the subspecies of cupcakes.

Let’s prepare ordinary sweet muffins at home.

Ingredients for a cupcake:

  • eggs – 2 pcs;
  • sugar – 150 g;
  • salt – a pinch;
  • butter – 100 g;
  • kefir – 350 g;
  • flour – 300 g;
  • leavening agent – 10 g;
  • raisins – 50 g.

Preparation of the muffin:

In a bowl break eggs, pour granulated sugar and salt, beat until white mass. Melt butter, pour together with kefir into the mixture. Stir the ingredients with a whisk until homogeneous.

Sift flour combined with baking powder into the mixture and knead the dough. Pour raisins into the dough and knead again.

Сырники больше не делаю. Нашла рецепт круче и вкуснее: готовлю 7 раз в неделю

Grease muffin molds with vegetable oil. Inside each mold put the dough ½ of the height of the walls.

Сырники больше не делаю. Нашла рецепт круче и вкуснее: готовлю 7 раз в неделю

Bake cupcakes in the oven at 170 degrees for 40 minutes.

Сырники больше не делаю. Нашла рецепт круче и вкуснее: готовлю 7 раз в неделю

These are perfect homemade muffins.

Сырники больше не делаю. Нашла рецепт круче и вкуснее: готовлю 7 раз в неделю

They are easy to take out of the mold, they are fragrant and tender.