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I don’t throw away overgrown cucumbers anymore. The best winter preparation: for Olivier, Vinaigrette and Rassolnik

Cucumbers are a diet vegetable that contains a minimum of calories and a maximum of benefits. The fact is that cucumbers are 95% water. The remaining 5% is occupied by fiber, which is necessary for proper digestion. Therefore, people actively grow cucumbers in vegetable gardens and on large farms. In

addition to neat and beautiful cucumbers can be caught too big. Such cucumbers, as is right, are useless in the farm. They can not be put away in a jar for pickling. However, there is a recipe for blanks for dishes for the winter, in which large non-standard cucumbers appear.

Ingredients for pickling cucumbers:

  • Salt – 70 g;
  • Sugar – 50 g;
  • Vinegar 9% – 70 ml;
  • Dill – bundle;
  • Garlic;
  • Black pepper;
  • Allspice;
  • Laurel leaf;
  • Horseradish leaves;
  • Cucumbers.

Preparation of pickled cucumbers:

Remove the stalks from the cucumbers and cut into small cubes. In sterilized dry jars at the bottom of the sterilized dry jars put a leaf of horseradish, dill

. Divide each garlic clove in two, in the jars put one divided clove. For one 0.5 liter jar put 5 peas of black and oregano pepper, bay leaf.

Put in the jars diced cucumbers


Slightly tamp the cucumbers in the jars, and then pour steep boiling water.

Переросшие огурцы больше не выбрасываю. Самая лучшая заготовка на зиму: для Оливье, Винегрета и Рассольника

Cover the jars with sterilized lids and leave for 20 minutes. Next, pour water into a saucepan, pour salt and sugar on a liter of liquid.

Bring the brine to a boil, pour in vinegar


Distribute the brine to the jars, fill to the brim. After that, tightly close the jars with lids

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. Turn the jars upside down and cover with a thick cloth.

Переросшие огурцы больше не выбрасываю. Самая лучшая заготовка на зиму: для Оливье, Винегрета и Рассольника

After cooling down, a practical preparation for salads is obtained.

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