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I found out the recipe at the store. A tasty breakfast for a large group: Five Minute Pizza

Pizza is a rather ancient Italian dish, which appeared around the time of the Middle Ages. However, it should not be thought that pizza immediately became the food of the rich strata of the population.

Originally, pizza was a piece of unleavened and often dirty dough, which was carried by beggars. In this schmotka of dough, people collected food from richer people. Of course, you couldn’t see sausage, tomatoes, or cheese on a medieval pizza.

It was not until some time after the Middle Ages that people began to pay more attention to pizza


Instead of leftovers, they began to put vegetables and even meat. Gradually developed a culture of eating pizza.

We will tell you how to make pizza at home without excessive costs.

Ingredients for homemade pizza:

  • cabbage – 300 g;
  • eggs – 3 pcs;
  • sour cream – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • cheese – 100 g;
  • ketchup – 2 tablespoons;
  • sausage – 100 g.

Preparation of homemade pizza:

Cabbage should be shredded finely, send it to a bowl and pour boiling water over it completely. Leave the cabbage to soften in water for 10 minutes.

At this time, we mix eggs with sour cream, add salt and ground black pepper to taste. Cheese is shredded on small grating cutters.

Cabbage is squeezed from excess moisture and transferred to a frying pan with vegetable oil. White


should be stewed on medium heat under a lid for about 10 minutes.

At the end of the stew to the cabbage pour the mixture of eggs and sour cream, evenly distributed on the surface.

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Рецепт узнала в магазине. Вкусный завтрак на большую компанию: пицца "Пятиминутка"

Cook so the basis for pizza under the lid for an additional 10 minutes, then turn the layer to the second side.

Рецепт узнала в магазине. Вкусный завтрак на большую компанию: пицца "Пятиминутка"

Smear the ruddy surface of the base with ketchup, cover with a layer of pre-cut circles of sausage. Create a cheese cap on the meat surface of the pizza. Cover the dish with a lid, cook for an additional 5 minutes.

Рецепт узнала в магазине. Вкусный завтрак на большую компанию: пицца "Пятиминутка"

It remains only to sprinkle the pizza with your favorite herbs, and then serve to the table.

Рецепт узнала в магазине. Вкусный завтрак на большую компанию: пицца "Пятиминутка"

This method of cooking is unusual due to the cabbage in the composition, but it still turns out delicious.

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