Not always pancakes in cooks turn out puffy and soft. It is not uncommon to find people who complain about different recipes for fritters. Perhaps it is worth telling about some tricks when cooking this uncomplicated dish.
Trick #1. Kefir for fritters should be room temperature and not particularly sour. With cold kefir fritters will not turn out so soft, as many would like. It does not matter what fat content kefir will be. Only the temperature should be monitored. You can adjust the acidity of kefir yourself.
Trick #2. The puffiness and height of the fritters depends on how thick the dough is. The fact is that because of the liquid dough fritters do not rise. It is worth regulating this moment with the help of flour. Add flour gradually and achieve a moderate viscosity.
Trick #3
When adding baking soda to kefir, you should use baking soda. Otherwise, the soda will soften the protein and deprive kefir of acidity, which will affect the lushness of products. In this case, add a lot of baking soda to the dough is not allowed. Otherwise, the puffy fritters will instantly fall off and become flat. Baking
soda should be put out in the dough, otherwise the reaction loses its meaning. Do not forget to leave the dough for 10-15 minutes so that the gluten has time to swell.
Trick #4
You should not add a lot of eggs to the dough, otherwise the fritters will be low. The situation with sugar is similar. Because of caramelization, sugar will make the dough more dense, which will affect the puffiness. It is better to serve fritters with sweet fillings, for example, honey and jam already after cooking.
Trick #5
You can add vegetable oil to the dough. This will make the fritters more puffy and porous. In this case, the fritters will not absorb oil from the frying pan when frying.
Ingredients for the fritters:
- kefir – 500 ml;
- flour – 400 g;
- baking soda – tsp;
- sugar – tbsp;
- salt – a pinch;
- vegetable oil – ⅔ tbsp.
Cooking the fritters:
In a bowl with warm kefir break the egg, mix the components. Pour salt, baking soda and sugar into the kefir, stir until the grains of sand dissolve.
Pour the flour into the kefir gradually until a viscous consistency is reached. The dough should lazily slide off the spoon. Pour vegetable oil into the dough, stir and leave at room temperature for 10-15 minutes.
In a frying pan with a little oil fry the fritters. Fry the second side under a lid. The fritters
can be sprinkled with powdered sugar.
Condensed milk and jam are also suitable for the fritters.