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I have been cooking fish with this recipe for 30 years. The whole family thanks me for such deliciousness

Hake is quite often found in culinary recipes. It is easily combined with many ingredients, and also includes a variety of cooking methods.

From this fish you can make a delicious mincemeat for cutlets, pates, casseroles and other. The delicate consistency of the fish fillet allows you to do this. Hake can be baked in the oven, using foil, so that the dish is not dry. To preserve the taste and aroma of fish, it is fried in egg batter. Another way is frying in breading. The latter variant of cooking we will experience in our kitchen today.

Ingredients for fish:

  • hake – 800 g;
  • beets – pcs;
  • carrots – pcs;
  • onion – pcs;
  • tomato paste – one tbsp;
  • flour;
  • butter;
  • vegetable oil;

Fish preparation:

Defrosted hake is washed and cleaned. Cut into portioned pieces. Transfer to a deep container, add salt and black pepper. If desired, you can add spices to the fish.

Готовлю рыбу по этому рецепту уже 30 лет. Вся семья благодарит за такую вкуснятину

Stir and leave to marinate for 20 minutes.

Pour vegetable oil into the frying pan. Dip the fish in flour and send it to fry. Cook on both sides until browned.

Готовлю рыбу по этому рецепту уже 30 лет. Вся семья благодарит за такую вкуснятину

Fish is still raw, remove it from the stove for a while. Chop

onions and grate carrots on a coarse grater. Grease the frying pan with butter and send the prepared ingredients to it. Add salt. Cook until soft.

Grate beets on a fine grater and also send them to the frying pan. Add tomato paste, stir. Fry for a while.

Готовлю рыбу по этому рецепту уже 30 лет. Вся семья благодарит за такую вкуснятину

Pour a glass of water. Pour in salt and a few peas of oregano pepper.

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Now lay the fish on top, slightly pressing it into the resulting sauce. Cover with a lid and stew for 10-15 minutes, then turn, add bay leaves and cover again with a lid for 5-7 minutes.

Готовлю рыбу по этому рецепту уже 30 лет. Вся семья благодарит за такую вкуснятину

When ready, leave under a closed lid for 15 minutes.

Готовлю рыбу по этому рецепту уже 30 лет. Вся семья благодарит за такую вкуснятину

Fish is ready, you can serve it with any garnish. Bon appetit!

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