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I have never tasted tastier. Recipe for juicy homemade minced meat patties

Once the tsar came to an inn where the cook was serving foreign cutlets. The meat on the bone seemed too typical for the cook. So he decided to mince the meat, add spices, garlic and onions. Then bake these cutlets in the oven. The

Tsar liked the dish, which was the beginning of history for a new kind of cutlets – Pozharsky. Since then, chopped cutlets, from minced meat, began to rule the world. They are prepared everywhere, in America, in Europe and in the CIS countries.

Let’s tell you how to make juicy homemade cutlets


Ingredients for cutlets:

  • beef – 500 g;
  • pork – 500 g;
  • onion – 300 g;
  • garlic – 2 cloves;
  • white bread – 150 g;
  • milk – 200 ml;
  • potato starch – 20 g;
  • salt;
  • black pepper.

Preparation of cutlets:

Cut arbitrary pieces of onion, chop garlic. Put the onion in a frying pan, fry lightly under a lid for 15 minutes on medium heat. Add garlic to the onions at the end of frying

. Do not forget to stir the onions during cooking.

While the onions are cooling, soak bread in milk. Cut off all the crusts from the bread beforehand. Stir the crumbs in the milk so that the liquid is evenly absorbed.

Remove the bones and veins from the meat. If the pork is lean, then it is worth adding 200 grams of lard.

Grind the meat in a meat grinder, and then also grind the onion. Squeeze the bread from the milk, grind it too, mix all the components into a homogeneous mass. Thoroughly knead the minced meat and beat it on a bowl.

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Pour salt and ground black pepper into the minced meat, add starch and mix well.

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Soak your hands in water, form a cutlet and beat it in your hands.

Make a flatbread out of the cutlet, pinch the edges so that there is a void inside. This way the juice from the cutlet will accumulate in this void.

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Heat vegetable oil, roll the cutlets in flour.

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Put the cutlets in a frying pan, fry on both sides on high heat.

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Part of the cutlets can be put in the freezer to cook later. The main thing is to cover them with food film. Fry

the cutlets until ready. You can also put the cutlets in a saucepan, pour in a little water and stew over medium heat for 15 minutes.

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It is also recommended to put the cutlets in a baking dish and bake at 180 degrees in the oven for 15 minutes.

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The cutlets turn out to be very juicy inside. For more juiciness during cooking you can put a piece of cold butter inside.

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