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I just slice and pour boiling water over them. Crunchy and tasty “Malosolny” zucchini

Many vegetables, which are now very dietary and healthy, used to serve only an ornamental function. For example, zucchini was brought to Europe from America to decorate the gardens of the nobility. The inflorescences of zucchini seemed beautiful, so they were fashionable in the XVIII century as a decorative plant.

Later, zucchini began to be consumed as food. It turned out that the vegetable is the ancestor of the pumpkin. At the same time, zucchini chose the path of regression in some aspects of growth in contrast to the pumpkin.

How can you deliciously prepare zucchini as an appetizer?

Ingredients for zucchini appetizer:

  • zucchini – 2 pcs;
  • garlic – 4 cloves;
  • dill – a bunch;
  • cilantro – a bunch;
  • ground black pepper – ½ tsp;
  • salt – tsp;
  • sugar – 1 tsp;
  • bay leaf – 2 pcs;
  • juice of 1/2 lemon;
  • vegetable oil – 3 tbsp.

Preparation of zucchini appetizer:

Remove the stalk from zucchini, cut into small bars. Put zucchini in a deep container, pour steep boiling water.

Просто нарезаю и заливаю кипятком. Кабачки "Малосольные" - хрустящие и вкусные

While zucchini are in boiling water, chop dill and cilantro

. Pass garlic cloves through the press to zucchini, put dill and cilantro, as well as bay leaf. Salt zucchini, pour lemon juice and vegetable oil, mix the components.

Просто нарезаю и заливаю кипятком. Кабачки "Малосольные" - хрустящие и вкусные

Cover zucchini with food film and send to the refrigerator for 3 hours. Every half an hour the container with zucchini should be shaken to spread the marinade over all the bars.

Просто нарезаю и заливаю кипятком. Кабачки "Малосольные" - хрустящие и вкусные

Просто нарезаю и заливаю кипятком. Кабачки "Малосольные" - хрустящие и вкусные

It will be tastier if you use young zucchini for the recipe.

It is desirable to cut off irregularities on the surface of the vegetable with a vegetable peeler.

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