Cucumbers were a very popular vegetable in ancient times. The Egyptians, for example, put cucumbers in the graves of their rulers. People did this out of good wishes, so that the pharaoh would have something to eat in the afterlife. The
first greenhouses for cucumbers appeared in ancient Rome. The invention of cucumber houses was ordered by King Tiberius. The ruler adored cucumbers, eating this vegetable constantly.
Now the popularity of cucumbers is not so obvious. However, this vegetable we meet everywhere.
Let’s tell you how to prepare an appetizer of cucumbers.
Ingredients for cucumber appetizer:
- Cucumbers – 1 kg;
- Salt – 1 tbsp;
- Sugar – 2 tbsp;
- Vegetable oil – 40 ml;
- Juice of one lemon;
- Garlic – 7 cloves;
- Dill – a bunch.
Preparation of cucumber appetizer:
Cut cucumbers into small quarters, lay them out in a salad bowl. Shinkuem finely dill, chop garlic cloves.
Transfer garlic and dill in a bowl with cucumbers
. Pour lemon juice over cucumbers, sprinkle with salt and sugar. Add vegetable oil to the cucumber appetizer, mix the components.
Cover the bowl with cucumbers with food film. We send the appetizer for 3 hours in the refrigerator for marinating.
Thus, a simple cold appetizer of cucumbers is obtained. This dish can be consumed separately or added to salads, as a garnish to meat.