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I make an unusually tasty salad. Just fry the crab sticks.

Crab salad is one of the few dishes of this type, which was able to survive in a classic form until modern times. The fact is that in the Soviet Union there were many interesting salads. But for various reasons, many dishes could not find realization in the XXI century.

Crab salad was created in the 1990s


The fact is that crab sticks began to produce in our country only in the early 1980s.

People preferred to buy crab fillets instead of sticks


Then this product could be purchased at an acceptable price.

In the nineties, because of the shortage, people replaced crab meat

with sticks

and began to make a still relevant salad.

Let’s try to make a crab salad with fried sticks


Ingredients for crab salad:

  • crab sticks – 200 g;
  • vegetable oil – 10 g;
  • mushrooms – 100 g;
  • mayonnaise – 40 g;
  • boiled eggs – 2 pcs;
  • ground black pepper – grams;
  • green onions – 20 g;
  • salt – 3 grams.

Ingredients for crab salad:

Mushrooms need to be well washed, cleaned from the top dirty layer and cut into thin slices. In a frying pan with a small addition of vegetable oil, fry the mushrooms. Do not forget to sprinkle the mushrooms with ground black pepper and salt.

Готовлю необычно вкусный салат. Просто пожарьте крабовые палочки

After cooking the mushrooms in the frying pan you need to fry whole crab sticks until golden.

Готовлю необычно вкусный салат. Просто пожарьте крабовые палочки

While the sticks are fried, cut eggs into small cubes, chop green onions.

In a salad bowl combine mushrooms, sliced fried crab sticks, onions and eggs. Dress the ingredients with mayonnaise and mix thoroughly.

ALSO READ:  Cabbage with onions tastes better than meat. Cabbage pie in a frying pan: the whole family will be delighted

Готовлю необычно вкусный салат. Просто пожарьте крабовые палочки

Готовлю необычно вкусный салат. Просто пожарьте крабовые палочки

Due to the frying of crab sticks, the salad acquires new flavor nuances.

If you have previously cooked only classic crab salad, you should definitely experiment!

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