The popularity of beans is undeniable. It is an ideal product for a balanced diet, so it is used in many recipes. In addition to its usefulness, we can note a good taste, which makes beans universal in cooking.
Napoleon was convinced that his soldiers would be smarter and stronger if they ate this product. Americans used to cook chicken breast with beans and syrup on their campaigns. It turned out very nutritious, tasty and fast.
Our salad, too, in addition to usefulness will have good taste, because it contains beans. You can eat this dish for lunch and dinner. A great salad for a variety of diet!
- 2 pickled cucumbers;
- 1 can of beans;
- 3 eggs;
- 1 onion;
- 2 sprigs of parsley;
- 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil;
- a pinch of ground black pepper;
- pinch of salt
In a deep bowl pour a can of canned beans. It is enough 240 g, if you want, you can boil the product yourself.
Pickled cucumbers cut into small cubes and add to the beans.
Onion cut into cubes of the same size. Pour the slices into a small bowl and pour boiling water. Leave for two minutes. Thanks to this action, the onion will not be bitter and will acquire the taste of boiled.
Boil eggs and arbitrarily cut. Send to the salad. Drain the onion, mix it with the rest of the ingredients.
Cut parsley finely with a knife to give a green color to our dish. For the dressing we will use a pinch of salt. This will be enough, because in the recipe we have already used pickles.
Let’s not forget to add ground black pepper, as well as two tablespoons of unrefined vegetable oil. This is a great substitute for mayonnaise.
Stir, and everything is ready!
The salad turns out to be very tasty and hearty.
You can arrange yourself a full dinner with just one of these dishes. Bon appetit!