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I make it every weekend. Cake in 15 minutes without flour and gelatin: an easy and delicious dessert

Both bread and loaves are made from the same raw material – grains. Accordingly, both products have similar properties. The difference lies in the fact that the grains are processed differently before the final product is made. Since breads use the coarse and wholesome part of the grain, they contain most of the slow carbohydrates. This eliminates the sudden rush of blood sugar and fat deposition. It

is common to use breads as a substitute for bread, but we can offer a dessert recipe from this product. Try making such a quick and delicious cake at home!

Ingredients for the base:

  • rice breads – 100 g;

Ingredients for the cream:

  • eggs – 2 pcs;
  • butter – 50 g;
  • milk – 500 ml;
  • cornstarch – 60 g;
  • brown sugar – 60 g;
  • vanillin.

Ingredients for the glaze:

  • dark chocolate – 50 g;
  • roasted peanuts – 50 g;
  • vegetable oil – tbsp.

Cake preparation:

Break the rice breads with your hands into a deep bowl.

Готовлю каждые выходные. Торт за 15 минут без муки и желатина: лёгкий и вкусный десерт

For the cream, break two chicken eggs in a saucepan. Pour in the brown sugar and cornstarch. Add vanilla on the tip of a knife.

Next, pour in half the milk. Stir with a whisk until smooth. Pour in the other half of the milk, stir.

Cook over medium heat, stirring slowly. When steam appears, stir more intensively. Cook the thickened cream for 10 seconds. Remove from the stove and add a piece of butter, stir.

Combine the cream with the rice bread.

Готовлю каждые выходные. Торт за 15 минут без муки и желатина: лёгкий и вкусный десерт

Cover the bottom of the pastry ring with foil on the outside and parchment on the inside. For convenience, the sides of the mold can also be covered with dense material.

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Transfer the cake blank into the mold, level it. For the top layer of the dessert, lightly crush roasted peanuts

with a


Combine with a mixture of chocolate and vegetable oil melted in the microwave.

Готовлю каждые выходные. Торт за 15 минут без муки и желатина: лёгкий и вкусный десерт

Make the top layer and send the cake to the refrigerator for 2-4 hours. Bon appetit!

Готовлю каждые выходные. Торт за 15 минут без муки и желатина: лёгкий и вкусный десерт

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