Many nutritionists say that flour is quite harmful to the body. This product tightly entered into consumption, however, is not useful for many organs.
Constant uncontrolled consumption of baked goods leads to obesity, problems with the cardiovascular system. Flour is a drug that has become commonplace for the whole world.
Are flour products so bad? It is difficult to give an unequivocal answer, since bread has always accompanied people.
But, it is still worth finding an alternative to flour if there are health problems. For example, you can cook fritters on semolina.
Ingredients for fritters:
- eggs – 2 pcs;
- soda – tsp;
- sugar – 2 tbsp;
- semolina – 250 g;
- salt – a pinch;
- kefir – 250 ml.
Preparation of fritters:
You need to beat eggs with sugar and salt until the grains of sand are completely dissolved. Pour kefir into the resulting mixture, whisk the components with a whisk.
Pour semolina into the mass, knead a thick dough. It is required to leave the dough under a food film for half an hour to make the semolina swell.
Then pour baking soda into the dough, stir and transfer the dough into a pastry bag. Heat vegetable oil in a frying pan, form small tortillas on the surface of the pan – fritters.
On medium heat fry the fritters on both sides until browned.
The result is puffy fritters on semolina, without flour. They are ready in 10 minutes, combined with condensed milk or sour cream.