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I make it this way every day: 1 egg, 3 cups of flour and 1 cup of milk. Yeast dough recipe

Pies appeared in culinary history quite a long time ago. This type of pastry was eaten in ancient Greece and Rome. However, not all the components of a modern pie were used. More precisely, the dough was not edible.
In the base of the dough, the Greeks and Romans carried the filling, which was eaten. The rest of the pastry was thrown away. As a rule, dough was eaten by the poor.
Dough was used to create handles for which it was easier to carry food. In ancient times, “to bring to the handle” meant to become poor.

We will tell you how you can make delicious pies with cottage cheese.

Ingredients of the dough for cottage cheese pies:

  • warm milk – 200 ml;
  • yeast – 1 tsp;
  • sugar – 1 tbsp;
  • egg – pcs;
  • melted butter – 40 g;
  • flour – 390 g;
  • salt – ½ tsp.

Ingredients for the filling:

  • cottage cheese – 150 g;
  • cheese – 130 g;
  • parsley – 20 g;
  • egg white.

Preparation of cottage cheese pies:

In a bowl, mix warm milk with yeast and sugar, egg and melted butter. Pour flour and salt into the yeast mixture, knead the dough first with a whisk, then with your hands. Knead

the dough with your hands for 2-3 minutes, then remove it to a deep bowl, cover it with a towel and leave it warm. While the dough is increasing in volume, you need to prepare the filling.

For the filling you need to chop parsley finely, grate cheese on a small grater. Mix the parsley and cheese with cottage cheese and egg white.

ALSO READ:  Ten Minute Pie. I cook it while the kettle is boiling: quick and tasty

The dough should be divided into three equal parts. From each part form a block of dough, which we roll out into a thin layer.

Make incisions in the dough layer opposite each other. There should be 6 cuts, the dough is smeared with melted butter.

The formed parts of the dough bend in the center, creating a puff pastry. The

same procedure should be done with the second


However, you need to put the first puff pastry in the center of the second layer and fold the edges onto it.

Готовлю так каждый день: 1 яйцо, 3 стакана муки и 1 стакан молока. Рецепт дрожжевого теста

As well as the first and second layers need to form the third, fold into a common lump of puff pastry. Remove the dough under a towel for 10 minutes, then roll out into a layer with a thickness of cm. The

layer is rolled into a roll, and then divided into 12 equal parts. Roll each roll into a small flatbread, put the filling in it and pinch the edges.

Готовлю так каждый день: 1 яйцо, 3 стакана муки и 1 стакан молока. Рецепт дрожжевого теста

Place the prepared patties, seam side down, on a baking tray greased with vegetable oil. Cover the pies with glaze made of egg yolk and milk.

Готовлю так каждый день: 1 яйцо, 3 стакана муки и 1 стакан молока. Рецепт дрожжевого теста

Bake the pies at 180 degrees for about 25 minutes.

Готовлю так каждый день: 1 яйцо, 3 стакана муки и 1 стакан молока. Рецепт дрожжевого теста

Before baking, we advise you to sprinkle sesame or poppy seeds on the baking blanks. This way the pies will not only be delicious and flavorful, but also beautiful.