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I make this salad from my sister-in-law for every holiday. It’s simple, tasty and nourishing: no need to cook anything

We consider salads to be a rather simple dish to prepare. They usually consist of ready-made products, chopped into a large plate. The connecting link for all components is both mayonnaise, and sour cream or vegetable oil. Many other salad dressings are also invented

. However, when preparing salads, you should not forget that there are some rules. For example, all ingredients should be cut equally. So the flavor of one ingredient will not interrupt all the others.

In addition, all products should be the same temperature. That is, vegetables that have been boiled in advance should be cooled before cutting.

Let’s prepare together a salad for a festive table.

Ingredients for the salad :

  • semi-smoked sausage – 150 g;
  • cucumber – 1 pc;
  • onion – pcs;
  • beans – 180 g;
  • mayonnaise.

Preparation of the salad:

Cut small bars of cucumber. Similarly cut sausage, put together with cucumber in a salad bowl. Put in a bowl with sausage and cucumber canned beans, beforehand get rid of its liquid.

Cut quarter rings onion, pour boiling water


This way we get rid of excess bitterness from the onion. Remove the water from under the onion, put it in the salad.

Салат от золовки готовлю на каждый праздник. Просто, вкусно и сытно: и ничего варить не надо

Fill the salad with mayonnaise, salt to taste and mix thoroughly.

Салат от золовки готовлю на каждый праздник. Просто, вкусно и сытно: и ничего варить не надо

Such a salad is better to prepare with homemade mayonnaise. It can also be replaced with sour cream.