One of the most useful vegetables is zucchini. The fact is that this vegetable product contains only 20 kcal per 100 grams. Therefore, zucchini is often included in various diet programs. However, not everyone likes to consume zucchini. Therefore, people often refuse to include this vegetable in their diet.
Probably, you do not know how to cook zucchini deliciously and with what to combine it. There is a wide range of products that perfectly combine with this vegetable. We will tell you how to bake zucchini deliciously in the oven.
Ingredients for baked zucchini:
- Zucchini – 3 pcs;
- Tomatoes – 4 pcs;
- Sour cream – 200 g;
- Cheese – 100 g;
- Cilantro – 2 branches;
- Dill – 2 branches;
- Black pepper – ½ tsp;
- Salt – ½ tsp;
- Vegetable oil – 2 tbsp.
Preparation of baked zucchini:
Zucchini should be cut into circles at least cm thick. Cut tomatoes also into 3 mm thick circles. Finely chop cilantro and dill, press garlic cloves through the press. Grate
cheese on small grating tines
In a bowl with cheese put sour cream, chopped herbs, garlic, ground black pepper and salt, mix until homogeneous.
Cover a baking tray with parchment, grease with vegetable oil. First place zucchini circles on the baking tray. On zucchini put tomato circles, smear each with cheese mass.
Bake the dish in the oven at 200 degrees for half an hour.
It turns out a very hearty dish of zucchini, without meat. This is a good summer appetizer, which will not take a lot of time to prepare.