What is it about cutlets? Their versatility. Such a dish can be combined with absolutely any side dish, which saves a lot of time.
In the past, cutlets were a piece of meat on a rib
It was convenient to eat them with hands. Later, the bone was served separately, since a whole piece of meat is easier to cook. Soon the meat became minced, and in the recipe there were ingredients that give puffiness – milk, eggs, semolina and bread crumbs.
Using our recipe, you can also prepare a puffy treat
- 500g of mincemeat;
- 2 slices of bread;
- 1 onion;
- 1-2 cloves of garlic;
- Flour;
- 1 egg;
- Salt, pepper.
Take two slices of bread and get rid of the crust. Place in water.
One onion is chopped
in a
blender. In a deep bowl, mix the prepared product with minced meat. Squeeze the bread from excess water and send it to the rest of the ingredients.
Finely chop two cloves of garlic, add to the bowl. Salt to taste and don’t forget the pepper. Break one egg and mix the mince thoroughly
. Form cutlets with your hands.
In a saucer pour flour and roll the products.
Frying pan is filled with vegetable oil, send the preparations to fry, cook on both sides.
Such cutlets can not be left without garnish, so clean and boil potatoes. Do not forget to salt. When ready, take them out, add 100 ml of hot milk. A small piece of butter 50 g. turn into mashed potatoes. Beat with a mixer.
Arrange a small portion of mashed potatoes and a couple of cutlets on a plate. Decorate the dish with vegetables and a leaf of salad. Bon appetit!