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I simply smear pollock with mustard and cook it in the oven. Juicy and flavorful fish: delicious with any side dish

Mint is a healthy fish that is low in fat. For people who are on a diet, this fish can be a good source of omega-3 acids, as well as protein. However, cooking pollock, as well as any other low-fat fish, is problematic. The

fact is that during heat treatment, moisture quickly evaporates from the fibers of the fish. As a result, the fish turns out to be dry and even “rubbery”. How to avoid dryness of fish meat?

This requires marinating fish and choosing the right fish on the market. If the fish was defrosted and frozen at least a couple of times, it should not be taken. Give preference to only fresh



. bake juicy, flavorful pollock.

Ingredients for baked pollock:

  • Freshly frozen pollock – 4 pcs;
  • Mustard – 2 tablespoons;
  • Sour cream – 2 tbsp;
  • Grainy mustard – 1 tsp;
  • Salt – a pinch;
  • Oregano or Italian herbs.

Preparation of baked pollock:

Clean pollock from insides, remove fins and rinse. Mix mustard with sour cream, grain mustard. Smear

pollock inside and outside with marinade.

Просто смазываю минтай горчицей и готовлю в духовке. Сочная и ароматная рыбка: вкусно с любым гарниром

Grease the baking mold with vegetable oil, put the fish in it.

Salt the fish and sprinkle with oregano and Italian herbs. Bake the pollock at 180 degrees for 25 minutes.

Просто смазываю минтай горчицей и готовлю в духовке. Сочная и ароматная рыбка: вкусно с любым гарниром

You get juicy tasty fish in the marinade. You can serve pollock with any garnish.