Pies and buns are considered one of the most desirable foods for most people. This statistic is quite surprising, as it was originally assumed that people prefer bread to meat. The
taste and aroma of flour products can calm a person down and even relieve stress. This is probably due to the production of dopamine, which encourages the body to calm down.
However, it is now becoming difficult to find tasty baked goods
Buns from stores are not flavorful and soft due to the fact that they are on the counter for a long time in a package.
It is worth preparing your own puffy delicious buns
Ingredients for buns:
- dry yeast – 9 g;
- water – 240 ml;
- egg – pcs;
- sugar – 2 tsp;
- vanilla sugar – 8 g;
- orange zest;
- vegetable oil – 3 tsp;
- milk – 150 ml;
- flour – 400 g;
- leavening agent – 6 g;
- salt – ¼ tsp;
- butter – tsp.
Preparation of buns:
Dry yeast should be diluted with hot water, to create a semblance of opara. In a separate bowl break the egg, pour vanilla and classic sugar, add orange zest
. Components with the egg should be mixed, and then pour in vegetable oil
Pour the milk into the egg mixture, pour the flour and leavening agent in parts, salt.
Knead the dough, into which you need to add additional butter. After forming the kolobok, cover the container with cellophane and leave to rise for half an hour. The
dough is divided into two equal parts, roll out thick (cm) round layers. The flatbreads should be divided into 8 triangles like a pizza.
In a frying pan you need to heat vegetable oil, lay out triangles of dough in it. Fry the buns on medium heat until golden.
After cooking, it is recommended to sprinkle the buns with powdered sugar. You get quick buns, which do not need a long time to knead and heat the oven.