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I take 1 liter of milk and make delicious sour cream at home. Just like my grandmother’s in the village.

Sour cream is commonly referred to as a liquid fermented milk product derived from milk or cream. The

first mention of a product similar to sour cream came from the Eastern Slavs


Peoples used sour cream as an addition to pancakes and other baked goods.

This sour-milk product was created quite easily – a lid with milk was put away for storage

. After a couple of days, they received sour cream on the surface of the milk. The

name of the sour-milk product acquired due to the fact that sour cream was “swept” from the surface of sour milk

. Now this product can be bought in any store. However, if you make sour cream at home, the purchased one will not want.

Ingredients for sour cream:

  • milk 3,5-4,5% – liter;
  • sour cream – 3 tbsp.

Preparation of sour cream:

Milk should be poured into a glass jar – a liter or more. This jar is required to put in a saucepan. It is recommended to cover the bottom in advance with a towel

. In the pot, without touching the contents of the jar, you should pour water. The resulting construction is put on the stove and bring to a boil on medium heat.

Беру 1 литр молока и готовлю вкусную сметану дома. Один в один, как у бабушки в деревне

After boiling, the jar should be removed from the pot and left at room temperature for an hour. Then add sour cream to the milk, mix the components. The

jar with milk should be covered with a lid, wait an additional 40-45 minutes. After the given time it is required to strain the prepared sour cream through a gauze cloth.

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Беру 1 литр молока и готовлю вкусную сметану дома. Один в один, как у бабушки в деревне

This method of preparation allows you to get homemade fatty sour cream in a couple of hours.

If you use your own country milk, the sour cream will be tastier and healthier.

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