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I take a can of canned food and an egg. Delicious pâté recipe: spread on bread

For many people, pâtés are a strange kind of appetizer. However, with the right preparation of pâté – this type of simple dish can become the most favorite at a party or dinner.

Pâtés were invented quite a long time ago, in the XVIII century


Then the meat mass was ground manually. It was the painstaking labor of cooks that made this dish very expensive. In Europe, it was difficult to imagine a feast without pate, which was used to decorate various other dishes.

In our country, pates came to Peter’s reign


There is an assumption that the emperor brought pâté to familiarize the nobility with a new kind of food.

Let’s try to prepare a delicious homemade pâté ourselves.

Ingredients for pate:

  • cod liver – 230 g;
  • mustard – tsp;
  • boiled egg – pcs;
  • onion – pcs.;
  • boiled potatoes – pcs.;
  • cheese – 30 g.

Preparation of pâté:

Onions need to be cut into quarter rings, mix with mustard and pour the mixture with water. Leave the onions to marinate for about 5-7 minutes.

At this time you need to knead the cod liver in a separate bowl to the state of mush. In the liver chop the boiled peeled potato and egg on a medium shredding grater

. Also through the grater pass cheese, add to the liver. Salt the components and put in the general mass of pickled onions.

It is important to pour out the liquid of the marinade in advance.

Thoroughly mix all the components until homogeneity, smear the pâté on bread slices.

Беру банку консервы и яйцо. Вкусный рецепт паштета: намазка на хлеб

Беру банку консервы и яйцо. Вкусный рецепт паштета: намазка на хлеб

Cod liver is a very useful product. Therefore, this pate is a good way to introduce this component in the daily diet.

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