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I take chicken breast and 3 potatoes. Instead of regular cutlets: a simple, but so delicious recipe

Cutlets have become a basic household dish for every person. It is hard to find someone who has not tasted cutlets. This yastu is so famous that it is among the top of the most actual products in a person’s grocery basket for the year. However, many have taken the tendency not to cook cutlets, but to buy them. That is, cutlets are simply thawed and fried.

Because of this way of cooking, a lot of the flavor of cutlets is lost. Do not feel the meat and spices in the dish as a minimum. In

order to know the real taste of meat cutlets, they must be prepared independently


Let’s make chicken cutlets together.

Ingredients for chicken cutlets:

  • chicken breast – 500 g;
  • potatoes – 3 pcs;
  • butter – 40 g;
  • salt – 1 tsp;
  • paprika – 1 tsp;
  • egg – pcs;
  • breadcrumbs.

Preparation of chicken cutlets:

Boil both potatoes and chicken breast until ready. Peel potatoes and knead to a mashed state, mix with oil and salt.

Cut small pieces of boiled chicken breast


Pour the meat into the puree, mix.

Беру куриную грудку и 3 картофелины. Готовлю вместо обычных котлет: простой, но такой вкусный рецепт

Sprinkle the mass with paprika, continue mixing.

Form the resulting dough into cutlets


Беру куриную грудку и 3 картофелины. Готовлю вместо обычных котлет: простой, но такой вкусный рецепт

Break an egg in a separate bowl, beat. Envelop the cutlets in the egg and then sprinkle with breadcrumbs.

Беру куриную грудку и 3 картофелины. Готовлю вместо обычных котлет: простой, но такой вкусный рецепт

Heat vegetable oil in a frying pan, put the cutlets on the surface. Fry the cutlets on both sides until golden color.

Беру куриную грудку и 3 картофелины. Готовлю вместо обычных котлет: простой, но такой вкусный рецепт

As a result, we have simple chicken cutlets of potatoes and meat.

Беру куриную грудку и 3 картофелины. Готовлю вместо обычных котлет: простой, но такой вкусный рецепт

This is a great way to replace the recipe for regular chicken cutlets.