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I take chicken fillet and a little butter. The whole family asked for more: delicious and tender creamy cutlets

Cutlet is a French word that originally meant ribs. The fact is that cutlets were previously created from a whole piece of meat with a bone. For this bone of meat was removed from the bone with the help of cutlery. It was quite a popular original dish until it came to our country.

Then the cutlets began to modernize. Modern cutlets can not be called meat on the bone. This is minced minced meat, which is mixed with a lot of spices. It is

worth telling about the recipe for creamy chicken cutlets


Ingredients for creamy chicken cutlets:

  • Chicken breast – 2 pcs;
  • Onion – pcs.;
  • Butter – 80 g;
  • Cheese – 100 g;
  • Salt – ½ tsp;
  • Breadcrumbs – 4 tsp.

Preparation of creamy chicken cutlets:

Cut into large pieces chicken fillet, softened butter and onions. Put onions, fillets and butter in a blender.

Chop cheese on large garlic cloves, mix with chopped minced meat in a blender. Add breadcrumbs to the mixture of cheese and minced meat, salt and mix until homogeneous.

Беру куриное филе и немного масла. Вся семья просила добавку: вкусные и нежные сливочные котлеты

Heat vegetable oil in a frying pan, put the formed cutlets on the bottom. Fry the cutlets on medium heat until golden crust on both sides.

Беру куриное филе и немного масла. Вся семья просила добавку: вкусные и нежные сливочные котлеты

Беру куриное филе и немного масла. Вся семья просила добавку: вкусные и нежные сливочные котлеты

You can add paprika and ground black pepper to the stuffing to taste. The cutlets can be served with mashed potatoes.

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