Simple and affordable recipes will always be more popular than any other. The fact is that people cook such recipes all the time. The lighter the dish and the smaller the set of ingredients – the better.
This logic was used even in antiquity. If we go deeper into the life and cuisine of peasants, we will not see any luxurious dishes. All the dishes are modest, but hearty. This does not mean that we should adhere to the asceticism of peasants always and in everything. This remark suggests that simplicity equals happiness.
Pancakes, fritters, pies and shields did not require any expensive products. Therefore, if you want to please yourself with something inexpensive and delicious, then it is worth looking at the recipe for cottage cheese pies.
Ingredients for cottage cheese patties:
- kefir – 100 ml;
- cottage cheese – 100 g;
- egg – pcs;
- sugar – 2 tbsp;
- salt – ½ tsp;
- flour – 500 g;
- leavening agent – 10 g.
Preparation of cottage cheese patties:
In a bowl with kefir put cottage cheese, beat an egg, pour salt and sugar, mix thoroughly. Pour in two steps flour, add leavening agent and knead with hands elastic and slightly sticky dough.
Leave the dough for 20 minutes under cellophane and a towel
Then moisten with vegetable oil and knead into a thick flatbread with your fingers.
Stretch the flatbread into a rectangle, divide it into 8 equal rectangles.
Heat vegetable oil in a
pan and place the dough on the surface.
Fry the dough on both sides until golden.
You get soft patties with cottage cheese inside the dough.
The pies can be sprinkled with powdered sugar for sweetness.