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I take crab sticks and cheese. Recipe for a delicious holiday roll: no pita needed

Sometimes it is necessary to add unusual tasty dishes to the daily diet. They do not have to be complex, suitable for preparation only by professionals. Dishes can be prepared in a few minutes from simple components.

As a rule, unusual dishes are created from a set of seemingly incongruous components. As an option, a roll of crab sticks and melted cheese. For many people, these ingredients can not consist in one meal.

We will prove that it will turn out to prepare a delicious roll of crab sticks and cheese.

Ingredients for a roll of processed cheese and crab sticks:

  • processed cheese – 90 g;
  • boiled eggs – 4 pcs;
  • crab sticks – 8 pcs;
  • lettuce leaves;
  • dill – a bunch;
  • walnuts – 30 g;
  • sour cream – tbsp;
  • mayonnaise – tbsp;
  • garlic – 2 cloves;
  • salt – ½ tsp.

Preparing a roll of processed cheese and crab sticks:

Transfer the processed cheeses into a bag, in which we melt them in the microwave on both sides for 30 seconds each. Using a rolling pin, roll the soft cheeses into a large rectangular layer. Put this layer in the refrigerator for half an hour to harden.

Беру крабовые палочки и сырок. Рецепт вкусного праздничного рулета: и никакого лаваша не надо

To prepare the sauce, mix sour cream and mayonnaise in a separate container, salt the mixture. Pass garlic cloves through a press to the sauce.

We divide the boiled eggs into yolks and whites, separately chop them on small sharps of a grater. In bowls with yolks and with whites, we pour the sauce. You will need 3 spoons of sauce for the yolks, and 1 spoon for the whites.

Беру крабовые палочки и сырок. Рецепт вкусного праздничного рулета: и никакого лаваша не надо

We remove the cellophane from the hardened cheese layer, smear it first with the yolk mass and then with the protein mass.

ALSO READ:  Delicious in 20 minutes. Pita roll with crab sticks, cheese and egg: a sumptuous dish

Беру крабовые палочки и сырок. Рецепт вкусного праздничного рулета: и никакого лаваша не надо

Chop 6 crab sticks into small pieces.

Place on a layer of sauce salad leaves, sprinkle with chopped crab sticks. Put the remaining crab sticks on the long edge of the layer, wrap them into a roll.

Беру крабовые палочки и сырок. Рецепт вкусного праздничного рулета: и никакого лаваша не надо

Fix the roll in a cellophane bag or food film.

Беру крабовые палочки и сырок. Рецепт вкусного праздничного рулета: и никакого лаваша не надо

Leave the roll for 4 hours in the refrigerator. At this time chop dill, chop walnuts into crumbs. Sprinkle the surface of the roll with dill and walnut crumbs.

Беру крабовые палочки и сырок. Рецепт вкусного праздничного рулета: и никакого лаваша не надо

The result is an interesting roll of cheese and crab sticks. The appetizer can become a decoration for a festive table.

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