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I take potatoes and onions. I don’t make pies anymore: tasty and fluffy filled buns

We are often told that baked goods are quite detrimental to the body. Due to excessive consumption of buns people suffer from obesity, high cholesterol, cardiovascular and digestive diseases.

However, opponents of buns have forgotten that this type of baked goods can have beneficial effects on the body. For example, buns increase the hormone of happiness – dopamine, bring into the blood beta-carotene and vitamins B1, B2, B3, B9, A and E.

In addition to vitamins, moderate consumption of buns has a good effect on human immunity. Therefore, it is not worth refusing baked goods.

We will tell you the recipe for cooking puffy buns with potatoes.

Ingredients for potato buns:

  • potatoes – 3 pcs;
  • salt – 1.5 tsp;
  • sugar – tsp;
  • green onions – 50 g;
  • yeast – 8 g;
  • boiled eggs – 5 pcs;
  • flour – 600 g.

Preparation of potato buns:

Potatoes are peeled, cut into small slices and boiled. It is important to save 200 ml of potato broth.

Turn the potatoes into mashed potatoes, pour the broth into it, pour sugar, a spoonful of salt and yeast. Mix the ingredients into a homogeneous mass.

Sift flour into the mixture and knead a slightly sticky and soft dough. Cover the lump of dough with foil and leave it warm for an hour.

At this time prepare the filling – chop eggs finely, chop green onions, mix the products and salt.

Беру картошку и лук. Пирожки больше не готовлю: вкусные и пышные булочки с начинкой

Knead the dough, release all the carbon dioxide. We divide the dough into 15 equal parts, form koloboks.

Беру картошку и лук. Пирожки больше не готовлю: вкусные и пышные булочки с начинкой

From the koloboks by hand make small thick tortillas, where we transfer the stuffing. Cover the egg mixture in the dough, heat 150 ml of vegetable oil in a frying pan.

ALSO READ:  How to make puffy cheesecakes like at grandma's. A recipe that works for everyone

Беру картошку и лук. Пирожки больше не готовлю: вкусные и пышные булочки с начинкой

Беру картошку и лук. Пирожки больше не готовлю: вкусные и пышные булочки с начинкой

We move the buns into the hot oil, fry on both sides until golden.

Беру картошку и лук. Пирожки больше не готовлю: вкусные и пышные булочки с начинкой

These buns can be cooked with whatever filling you prefer. The dough is perfect for fasting people and vegetarians.

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