One of the ambiguous vegetables on the planet is cabbage. The fact is that this vegetable originated from a single wild plant. At the same time, a person was able to derive many different types of cabbage from the wild grass.
Now there are more than 10 types of cabbage known in the world. Each type is prepared in a different way, used in the dishes of cuisines all over the planet.
Each type of cabbage is useful for the body in its own way. For example, white cabbage helps to eliminate toxins, removes harmful substances from the blood. Peking cabbage slows down the aging process, improves the condition and elasticity of the skin.
Let’s talk about how to prepare a salad from Peking cabbage
Ingredients for Peking cabbage salad:
- Peking cabbage – 300 g;
- Smoked chicken breast – 200 g;
- Red bell pepper – 1 pc;
- Red onion – 1 pc;
- Green peas – 120 g;
- Dill – 40 g;
- Parsley – 40 g;
- Sour cream – 3 tbsp;
- French mustard – 1.5 tsp;
- Salt – 1 tsp.
Preparation of peking cabbage salad:
Shinkuem soft part of Peking cabbage, cut small bars of smoked chicken. Peel off the insides of the bell pepper, cut into thin slices, cut red onion in half rings.
Put cabbage, onion, chicken and bell pepper in a salad bowl. Chop dill and parsley, pour out the liquid from the peas. Put the greens and peas in the salad.
Dress the salad with sour cream, mustard, salt and mix thoroughly.
You can also add black pepper to the salad. You get a simple and healthy salad of cabbage and chicken.