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I will never get tired of cooking fish with this recipe. Juicy fish in batter: delicious and simple

People came to cooking fish on fire in ancient times. Basically, this kind of hunting, which later became known as fishing, was relevant for seaside settlements.

There were few animals living near the sea that fed people. Therefore, the main trade for the tribes was fishing.

Now people catch fish on an industrial scale. However, not everyone has learned how to cook it deliciously. It is worth learning how to properly fry fish in batter.

Ingredients for fish in batter:

  • Tolstolobob fish – 1 kg;
  • Flour – 4 tbsp;
  • Eggs – 2 pcs;
  • Smoked paprika – 1 tsp;
  • Dried garlic – 1 tsp;
  • Sour cream – 2 tbsp;
  • Mayonnaise – 1 tbsp;
  • Coriander – 0.5 tsp;
  • Salt – ½ tsp.

Cooking fish in batter:

Remove the insides, head and fins from the fish, cut into small pieces. Remove fish from scales, spine and bones, leaving only the fillet. Salt the meat, rub granules into the fibers of the fillet.

Никогда не устану готовить рыбу по этому рецепту. Сочная рыба в кляре: вкусно и просто

In a separate bowl prepare batter, mix eggs with mayonnaise and sour cream. Pour smoked paprika, dried garlic, coriander and salt into

the mixture. Pour flour into the mixture of spices and eggs, knead the batter. Dip the fish pieces in the batter and coat on both sides.

Никогда не устану готовить рыбу по этому рецепту. Сочная рыба в кляре: вкусно и просто

Heat vegetable oil in a frying pan, place fish in batter on the surface. Fry fish on medium heat until golden on both sides.

Никогда не устану готовить рыбу по этому рецепту. Сочная рыба в кляре: вкусно и просто

Никогда не устану готовить рыбу по этому рецепту. Сочная рыба в кляре: вкусно и просто

Serve fish in batter should be served with salads or mashed potatoes. This method will allow you to cook not only thickhead, but also other types of fish juicy and appetizing.

ALSO READ:  Jewish-style fish: so delicious that words cannot describe. Try making it, you'll love it!

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