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If you think pollock is dry and unpalatable fish – then you just do not know how to cook it: I cook it in a frying pan in 15 minutes and very juicy

Mintai has always belonged to the weedy fish and it is not often used in cooking. But this is a completely erroneous attitude to such a delicious fish, which contains a lot of useful substances.

For cooking you will need the following ingredients:

  • pollock, 1 kg;
  • onion, 2 – 3 pcs;
  • salt, pepper, spices, herbs;
  • vegetable oil.

Cooking process

Clean the fresh fish from everything unnecessary and cut into carcasses. If the fish is frozen, defrost

, wash, dry with paper towels and cut into portions

. Sprinkle salt, pepper


spices on the fish, mix.

Heat vegetable oil, put fish pieces in a frying pan and cover with onions

. Cover with a lid and stew on low heat for 15 minutes.

Turn the fish over and stew for another 7 minutes.

I serve this rub with boiled potatoes or mashed potatoes, rice with vegetables, other side dishes and salads of fresh vegetables.

Думаете минтай сухая и невкусная рыба – значит просто не умеете ее готовить: готовлю на сковороде за 15 минут и очень сочно

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