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I’ll take cottage cheese and cookies. “The cottage cheese house is a dessert from the past that many people have forgotten.

The curd desserts were especially appreciated in the Soviet Union. This fermented milk product could make a great cake, pies and other sweet pastries. Unfortunately, now cottage cheese desserts have been replaced by various creams. Not always cheese and cream fillings can compare in flavor with cottage cheese cream.

We advise you to prepare a cottage cheese dessert yourself. Do not be afraid to experiment at home. To make a sweet product from cottage cheese, you need to adhere to a small number of rules. For example, do not take liquid cottage cheese for cooking, so the dessert will be too wet.

We are ready to give you a recipe for a delicious cottage cheese dessert from a minimum number of components.

Ingredients for cottage cheese dessert:

  • cookies – 27 pcs;
  • banana – pcs;
  • cottage cheese – 300 g;
  • sour cream – 2 tbsp;
  • sugar – 100 g.

Preparation of cottage cheese dessert:

Beat granulated sugar with cottage cheese until a homogeneous mass is achieved. Add sour cream to this mixture, continue to whisk until the products are completely combined.

Dip the cookies in milk, lay out a small layer on food film. On the layer of cookies move the obtained curd cream, evenly distribute it on the surface.

On the cream layer again lay out the cookies soaked in milk. Create a second cream layer on the cookies.

Беру творог и печенье. "Творожный домик" - десерт из прошлого, который многие успели позабыть

In the middle of the construction put a peeled banana, wrap it in a roll of cream and cookies.

Беру творог и печенье. "Творожный домик" - десерт из прошлого, который многие успели позабыть

Wrap the roll tightly in the second layer of foil, put the dessert in the freezer for an hour.

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Беру творог и печенье. "Творожный домик" - десерт из прошлого, который многие успели позабыть

Беру творог и печенье. "Творожный домик" - десерт из прошлого, который многие успели позабыть

Jubilee cookies are good for this recipe. You can take cookies with icing, nuts and other additives.

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