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In Soviet times, they were in particular demand. Real Stolov vatrushki: recipe from 1978

Few people know, but vatrushki appeared in Slavic culture quite a long time ago. Since the times of paganism, this curd pastry was baked. It, like pancakes and fritters, belonged to Pancake Day.

If the fritters were prepared for an offering to the goddess Lada, then vatrushki were baked for the sun god Yarila. Vatrushki resemble the sun, are prepared, as a rule, in the days of the summer solstice

. Later, with the advent of Christianity, vatrushki lost their pagan meaning. But they continued to be baked on the summer solstice as a symbol of the sun.

Nowadays you can rarely see vatrushki in bakeries


More often they were baked in the USSR. Let’s tell you how to cook Soviet vatrushki.

Ingredients of the dough for vatrushki:

  • Flour – 700 g;
  • Water – 300 g;
  • Butter – 40 g;
  • Egg – 1 pc;
  • Salt – 8 g;
  • Dry yeast – 7 g.

Ingredients for filling with cottage cheese:

  • Curd – 200 g;
  • Sugar – 75 g;
  • Egg yolk – pcs;
  • Vanillin – g;
  • Salt – 2 g;
  • Sour cream – 20 g.

Ingredients for sweet stuffing:

  • Jam – 300 g;
  • Egg – pcs;
  • Water – 20 g.

Preparation of vatrushes:

To prepare the opara, heat water to 30 degrees, pour there yeast and 150 grams of flour, mix the components.

Break the egg into the opara, pour salt and mix. Pour

the flour on the table

, pour the opara

into the depression in the middle, knead the dough by hand. As soon as we knead the dough, add butter to it, continue kneading.

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Tight dense dough is sent to rest for about an hour under a lid


In the meantime, make cottage cheese filling – mix cottage cheese with egg yolk, sugar, vanilla, salt and sour cream until homogeneous. Knead

the dough and divide it into lumps of either 60 grams or 35 grams


This depends on whether you want large or small wattrushki.

Place the rolls on a baking tray 6-8 cm apart. Cover the koloboks with cling film and leave for 15 minutes.

В советские времена они пользовались особенным спросом. Настоящие столовские ватрушки: рецепт 1978 года

Grease the bottom of a glass with vegetable oil, carefully make a depression in each kolobok. Put jam or cottage cheese filling into the hollow – 15 grams per 35-gram wafer, 30 grams per 60-gram wafer.

В советские времена они пользовались особенным спросом. Настоящие столовские ватрушки: рецепт 1978 года

Leave the wattrushki under the food foil for another 20-30 minutes. Brush the dough with the egg and water mixture. Bake the watrushki at 180 degrees for 12-17 minutes.

В советские времена они пользовались особенным спросом. Настоящие столовские ватрушки: рецепт 1978 года

You get puffy soft cottage cheese and sweet vatrushki. You can make them all year round, you won’t get bored.

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