Many people are familiar with the recipe for draniki – these are potato fritters. This dish has been and remains popular in Belarus, Poland and other CIS countries. Potato draniki appeared in the XIX century. However, there are people who believe that draniki is an ancient dish.
Potatoes appeared in Europe in the XVI century. And for a long time it was not consumed as they were afraid of poisoning. In the Russian Empire, potatoes were brought by Peter the Great in the XVII century. The study of this vegetable was difficult for ordinary people. Therefore, draniki could not exist until the XVIII century in the country.
However, probably, in addition to potato draniki, there were others. For example, onion
ones. Let’s prepare onion draniki on our own.
Ingredients for onion draniki:
- onions – 3 pcs;
- salt – a pinch;
- eggs – 2 pcs;
- sour cream – tbsp;
- semolina – 6 tbsp;
- tomato juice – 350 ml;
- garlic – 2 cloves.
Preparation of onion pancakes:
Dice the onions into small cubes and squeeze slightly with your hands, salt. Break eggs in a separate bowl, beat and pour into the onion.
Add sour cream and semolina to the onion, mix thoroughly. Wait for the semolina to swell. Heat vegetable oil in a frying pan, lay out the onion mixture cakes on the surface.
Fry onion pancakes until golden on both sides.
In the skillet then lay out all the draaniki and pour tomato juice. Cook the pancakes under the lid for 5 minutes.
Press garlic cloves through the press and add to the pancakes in the sauce.
You can chop parsley and dill for the pancakes.
It is better to serve onion pancakes with tomato sauce with greens.