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Instantly swept off the table. Kefir dumplings in a frying pan

It is difficult to interest children or teenagers in home-made food. As a rule, the modern generation is ruled by various fast food. However, it is worthwhile from a young age to accustom children to normal food, to observe the schedule of meals. Otherwise, in the future, serious digestive problems can form. In

order to excite interest in children to home-cooked food, it is worth experimenting. For example, for breakfast, in addition to porridge, cook an additional dish. Often as an addition are cheesecakes.It is worth preparing kefir puffs, which can become an alternative breakfast for the family.

Ingredients for kefir puffs:

  • Kefir 3/2% – 400 ml;
  • Salt – tsp;
  • Egg – 2 pcs;
  • Butter – 70 g;
  • Dill – bundle;
  • parsley – a bunch;
  • Flour – 600 g;
  • Leavening agent – 10 g.

Preparation of kefir puffs:

In a bowl with kefir pour salt, break a couple of eggs. Melt butter, pour it into the kefir and mix the components thoroughly.

You need to chop parsley and dill bunches finely, put them in the kefir. Combine the flour with leavening agent, sift into the kefir mass, knead a soft dough.

Leave the dough under cellophane for 15 minutes. Next, roll out the dough into a layer of thickness of cm. Divide the dough into 5×5 cm squares.

Моментально сметают со стола. Кефирные пышки на сковороде

Heat 100 ml of vegetable oil in a frying pan. Place the dough squares in the oil and fry over medium heat until golden on both sides.

Моментально сметают со стола. Кефирные пышки на сковороде

Моментально сметают со стола. Кефирные пышки на сковороде

You get flavorful dumplings from kefir with herbs. You can also chop green onions into the dough.

ALSO READ:  Khachapuri in Megrelian style. A tasty and hearty dish: it will easily replace lunch or dinner

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