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Instead of boring coldcock. A beautiful and tasty appetizer for New Year’s celebrations: ready in one, two, three steps

Kholodets or jelly is considered an ambiguous dish, since in the understanding of many it is prepared strangely. Kholodets is not a jelly of meat, although in consistency and appearance strongly resembles it. Also, jelly is not a type of bay as some cooks mistakenly believe. It is something new for all cooking, which came from antiquity.

Peter the Great spoke about kolodets and his love for this dish. This emperor preferred jelly instead of other delicacies

. Kholodets is also mentioned in the novel “Oblomov”, where the stewardess of Ilya noticed that soon Ilya Ilyich will eat only turnips and jelly.

Let’s tell you how you can effectively serve this simple peasant dish.

Ingredients for appetizer coldcock:

  • meat – 500 g;
  • water – liter;
  • bay leaf – 2 pcs;
  • black pepper – 5 pcs;
  • salt – tsp;
  • gelatin – 20 g;
  • egg – 3 pcs.

Preparation of appetizer coldcock:

Boil meat in water for an hour, add bay leaf, salt black pepper. Cook the meat under a lid for a couple of hours, and then strain the broth through a sieve

. In 100 ml of broth add gelatin and mix thoroughly. Leave the gelatin mixture for 10 minutes, during which time we divide the meat into fibers.

Melt the gelatin in the microwave, pour it into the rest of the broth


Boil eggs until ready, peel and cut each one in two.

At the bottom of the muffin molds pour a little broth, put half an egg.

Вместо надоевшего холодца. Красивая и вкусная закуска на Новогодние праздники: готовится на раз, два, три

Add meat fibers on top of the egg. Pour

all the components with the remaining broth.

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Вместо надоевшего холодца. Красивая и вкусная закуска на Новогодние праздники: готовится на раз, два, три

We leave the appetizer in the refrigerator for a few hours until solidified.

Вместо надоевшего холодца. Красивая и вкусная закуска на Новогодние праздники: готовится на раз, два, три

We take out of the molds coldcracker with egg and serve to the table.

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