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Instead of cutlets: a long-forgotten recipe from the USSR. This is how my grandmother used to cook

In our country, there are several common types of cutlets. You will probably remember, for example, such names of meat dishes as Mikhailovsky, Pozharsky and Kiev. These names of cutlets have tightly entered our everyday life and retain the leading positions until now.

Pozharsky cutlets were invented by a resourceful innkeeper


As the legend goes, Nicholas I decided to have lunch in one of the local establishments. As luck would have it, that very day the owner ran out of veal for cutlets. And the emperor wanted chopped cutlets for the table. So the innkeeper’s cook made cutlets from chicken meat with bread and spices. It was so delicious that the Tsar ordered to include Pozharsky cutlets in the menu of the Winter Palace.

After the revolution, the correct recipe for Pozharsky cutlets was lost. Probably, in a succession of Soviet recipes, we will someday be able to find an algorithm for cooking these tender cutlets.

Ingredients for cottage cheese cutlets:

  • minced meat – 500 g;
  • salt – ½ tsp;
  • cottage cheese – 200 g;
  • breadcrumbs – 50 g;
  • chicken eggs – 2 pcs;
  • onion – pcs.

Preparation of cottage cheese cutlets:

Grind through a meat grinder together with meat also onion. Integrate to the components cottage cheese, eggs, breadcrumbs and salt. Manually knead mince for cutlets, bring the mass to homogeneity.

From the meat mass form cutlets, dip in a handful of flour. Heat vegetable oil in a frying pan, fry until browned on both sides.

Then cover the cutlets with a lid, stew over medium heat for 10 minutes.

ALSO READ:  Cottage cheese puffs with cottage cheese. I make them for breakfast instead of cheesecakes

Вместо котлет: давно забытый рецепт из СССР. Так готовила моя бабушка

Вместо котлет: давно забытый рецепт из СССР. Так готовила моя бабушка

As a result, we get delicious cutlets with a tender texture.

Вместо котлет: давно забытый рецепт из СССР. Так готовила моя бабушка

If you take chicken meat for stuffing, the dish will become literally airy.

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