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It’s perfect in the summer – 15 minutes and ready. The most delicious and hearty zucchini recipes

One of the most popular and frequently prepared dishes all over the world are cutlets. They are used in fast food, in the homes of ordinary people and the elite.

For each person there is a different kind of cutlets. For example, now it is possible to prepare cutlets even for people who are on a diet or do not eat meat. Soya cutlets taste as good as meat cutlets, although they differ in flavor.

Also, vegetables are used in cutlets


This gives the cutlets more juiciness and flavor. We will tell you how to cook chicken cutlets with the addition of zucchini.

Ingredients of chicken and zucchini cutlets:

  • Zucchini – pcs;
  • Salt – tsp;
  • Chicken breast – 900 g;
  • Onion – a piece;
  • Eggs – 2 pcs;
  • Sour cream – 2 tbsp;
  • Garlic – 2 cloves;
  • Dill – 20 g;
  • Flour – 4 tbsp.

Preparation of chicken and zucchini cutlets:

Shred zucchini on large grater cutters, salt and leave for 20 minutes. At this time, finely chop the chicken breast. Squeeze the zucchini mass from excess liquid, lay it out to the chicken meat.

Chop into the meat mass onion with a fine grater


Similarly rub garlic cloves into the mixture. Add eggs and sour cream to the general mass.

Shinkuem finely dill, put in the mixture, stir. Pour flour into the mixture, salt to taste, continue mixing until homogeneous.

Heat vegetable oil in a frying pan, put a tablespoon of the mixture on the surface. Fry the cutlets on both sides for 5-7 minutes under a lid.

Летом самое то - 15 минут и готово. Самый вкусный и сытный рецепт из кабачков

You can add black pepper to the cutlets before frying to taste.

Летом самое то - 15 минут и готово. Самый вкусный и сытный рецепт из кабачков

It is recommended to serve the dish with sour cream, as a garnish – rice, buckwheat.

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